Here’s Some News, Come Join Me…

If you are looking for some encouragement this holiday season, with such good intentions to seek the Lord during Advent, consider joining me for a book study. We will begin on December 1st reading, 40 Days of Surrender, a revised edition by my husband, Chad, from Andrew Murray’s book, Absolute Surrender. This is not meant to replace your Advent study of choice for the holiday, but rather be an addition to help “prepare Him room.” These are important days for our gaze to be set upon Christ, if you are tired of striving for more only to be found at year’s end with tiredness or discouragement, consider joining me.

The book is formatted with each day’s reading to end with several thoughtful questions to encourage a personal connection to invite room for the Lord to speak. Once a week we will come together online for discussion; to share, ask questions, and expand our experience as we hear from each other. Please email me if you are interested at Spaces are limited. Blessings.

Here is the link for 40 Days of Surrender